August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024
Richard Hanse, Supervisor
Thomas Burke, Councilman
Patrick Kennedy, Councilman
Shane Pilato, Councilman
Michale Veeder, Councilman/Deputy Supervisor
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
Donna Wasilewski, Bookkeeper/Budget Officer
GUESTS: Carol Metz
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:04 pm with the Pledge
of Allegiance.
A motion to accept the minutes of July 9, was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
The meeting was opened for public comments: None
Supervisor reported that the Town’s bargaining committee and the representatives of Teamsters Local 294 have come to an agreement. The contract can now be ratified to reflect the terms. A motion to authorize the supervisor to execute the agreement was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
Supervisor also reported that the Town has received financial assistance ($25,000) from the County to install ADA compliant automatic door openers at Town Hall. The same procedures will be followed that were used for the ARPA funds that the County distributed to each town and village. The money must be spent by December 31, 2024. A resolution was presented authorizing the Supervisor to establish bid specifications and obtain proposals for the installation of the door openers. Patrick Kennedy made the motion which was seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
Supervisor presented a resolution establishing the correct spelling of the street name Bronk Lake Road as the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) has it spelled as Bronck Lake Road. The resolution will be sent to Greene County Department of Emergency Services to facilitate an update for the MSAG. A motion to accept the resolution was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
Bookkeeper Donna Wasielewski distributed financial reports. She stated that the money invested in NY Class has earned $5,000 in interest as of July 31. Donna has met with the Court and Highway Superintendent regarding the 2025 budget; still waiting on the Ambulance negotiations. As of right now the budget is in decent shape. Waiting for CHIPS money to come in. Discussion on fund balances. She signed the Town up for annual NYGFOA membership – they provide statewide training programs and webinars in areas of government financial accounting.
A motion to accept the April, May and June Justice reports was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
General Fund and Highway bills in the amount of $222,855.84 were audited on abstract #8, voucher numbers 2024-448 through 2024-518. Bank reconciliations were presented for review.
At 7:30 pm a motion to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing particular personnel matters was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
At 7:45 pm a motion to come out of executive session was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
Patrick Kennedy made a motion which was seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried to accept the following salaries as presented for 2025:
–Supervisor’s Bookkeeper, Donna Wasilewski $53,204
–Court Clerk, Norma Johnson $50,741
–Assistant Court Clerk, Victoria Scaglione $20.50 per hour
–Part-time Clerk, Lorraine Tremmel $18.00 per hour
–Assessor’s Clerk, Jacqueline Polizzi $22.50 per hour
–Deputy Tax Collector, Deborah Daoust $19.00 per hour
–Planning & Zoning Board Secretary, Patty McIntyre $20.00
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
At 7:50 pm a motion to reenter executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
At 7:55 pm a motion to come out of executive session and adjourn the meeting was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Copies of all resolutions, agreements, and contracts are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
Read minutes from last month