June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024
Richard Hanse, Supervisor
Thomas Burke, Councilman
Shane Pilato, Councilman
Michale Veeder, Councilman/Deputy Supervisor
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
ABSENT: Patrick Kennedy, Councilman
GUESTS: Carol A. Metz, Beth Tailleur, Chip Tailleur, Jem Tailleur
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rick welcomed Town of Athens Supervisor Michael Pirrone.
The meeting was opened to ReneVanSchaack who addressed the board on behalf of the Greene County IDA in his capacity as a consultant. Rene spoke of CHPE stating that they bring no long-term benefits to the Town. The IDA established a fund to mitigate economic impacts and are suggesting a PILOT. The revenue would be spent on development projects deemed appropriate by the IDA. At the top of the list would be infrastructure. Rene would like each Town – Coxsackie and Athens to assign two liaisons from each municipality to work with the IDA on planning and engineering for said projects. Money will not be available until sometime in 2026. He would like the committee to be formed by late July.
Rene went on to suggest that the IDA, Town and Village update the comprehensive plan. Concentration would be East of the Thruway, looking at zoning – mixed use, industrial, housing.
Approximate cost $150,000 to be spilt three ways. $25,000 per year budgeted in 2025 and 2026. Rene asked for a committee from the Town Board of two members to be established.
A motion to accept the minutes of May 14, was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
The meeting was opened for public comments: Carol Metz wanted to publicly thank the first responders – EMTs, Fire Company and police for their assistance with her accident; she is incredibly grateful to everyone.
Highway Superintendent Larry Ross reported that they completed paving the roads in accordance with the 284 agreement. They had assistance from the Towns of Athens, New Baltimore, Catskill, Greenville and the County. Currently doing oil and stone and patching.
Donna stated that the board should be signing off on bank reconciliations as recommended by the Auditors from the Comptroller’s Office. She prepared a cover sheet with the statements and moving forward they will be submitted at each board meeting.
Another suggestion from the OSC was for Donna to inquire if the board would like to see health insurance payments listed on the monthly abstract; however, this is not a requirement. The determination of the board is no, that it is not necessary.
Rick proposed the following to serve on the Town’s Ethics committee: Bambi Hotaling, Lou Martin and Dianne Hoffman. Our recently adopted Ethics Code calls for three members, one of whom must be a municipal official or employee. Said committee will serve at the pleasure of the Town Board. A motion to appoint the above committee was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes: 4 – Hanse, Burke, Pilato, Veeder Absent: 1 – Kennedy
Nordutch quotes for continued IT services were presented. The cost is roughly the same as last year – $210 per month for the Court and $2,302 per month for the Town. Basically, the only difference is they will no longer come on-site to fix a machine without charging a fee. They hardly ever need to come on-site so it will save money on the renewal. A motion to accept the quotes as presented was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Thomas Burke and duly carried.
Ayes: 4 – Hanse, Burke, Pilato, Veeder Absent: 1 – Kennedy
The supervisor reported that the Planning Board is not having a meeting in July as their regular meeting falls on July 4 and they decided not to reschedule. Rick has received some complaints as people are waiting for approvals and public hearings to be scheduled. It was the consensus of the Town Board that Rick should advise the Planning Board of the Town Board’s displeasure with their decision not to meet in July and ask that a viable attempt be made to re-schedule a meeting in July.
General Fund and Highway bills in the amount of $270,065.90 were audited on abstract #6, voucher numbers 2024-334 through 2024-392.
At 7:45 pm a motion to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
At 7:56 pm a motion to come out of executive session and adjourn the meeting was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Thomas Burke and duly carried.
Copies of all resolutions, agreements, and contracts are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
Read minutes from last month