March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
Richard Hanse, Supervisor
Thomas Burke, Councilman
Patrick Kennedy, Councilman
Shane Pilato, Councilman
Michale Veeder, Councilman
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
Carol A. Metz, Louis T. Martin
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:00 pm with the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Lou Martin of the Coxsackie American Legion Post 166 presented the Town with a certificate of appreciation for their contribution to the Field of Flags.
A motion to accept the minutes of February 13, was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
The public hearings for proposed Local Law #1 Code of Ethics and Local Law #2 Regulating Shipping Containers were opened; the legal notice presented.
Shane recused himself from discussions regarding the shipping containers as he has two of them.
It was noted that the Ethics Law if adopted would be more comprehensive than the current version which was passed in 2009. This law was formulated with guidance from attorney Rappleyea and the Office of the State Comptroller.
The shipping Container Law if adopted would regulate where and for how long the containers may be located on properties in certain zoning districts. The law is based on one recently passed by the Town of Catskill and New Scotland.
A motion to close the public hearing at 7:09 pm was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Thomas Burke and duly carried.
The meeting was opened for public comments: None
EMS Chief Myrdycz 92 calls for month. Nadine requested authorization to purchase two Gatec laptops off state bid from Brite out of Rochester. These are compatible with their charting software and more durable than the Microsoft tablets that they currently use. The police department and Greene EMS use the same laptops. $5,000.00 was budgeted however the cost has increased to $6300.00.
The Chief is seeking approval for a new time clock system from Paychex which is compatible with the payroll system that Donna uses. The time clock at the ambulance station is not currently working; it is outdated and can no longer be serviced. The cost per year is $2600 for the software and the clock is $160.00. Discussion ensued. Motion to implement the new time keeping system with PayChex was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
Ayes: 4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato No: 1 – Veeder
Nadine also requested permission to attend the PERMA worker’s compensation training at the
Annual Conference May 9 and 10 at the Sagamore Resort. There is no cost to attend, she will be reimbursed for mileage. Michael Veeder seconded the motion which was duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
Highway Superintendent Ross presented his 284 Agreement and plans to expend $320,850 on Four Mile Point, Plank Road, Barrus Road, and Peter Bronk Road. Any left-over funds will be spent on remaining roads. A motion to accept the 284 Agreement as presented was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
There was general discussion regarding bridges and the water situation on Warren Avenue.
It was noted that the Trooper Brinkerhoff Memorial Race Series will take place on April 20 and April 27. This is their 19th year.
The Town Board authorized the Clerk to advertise for mowing bids for the 2024 season, bids
will be opened at the April 9 board meeting.
Rick reported that we just received the title search report on the disused section of Potic Creek Road which has become a source of dispute between neighbors. The report indicates that this is still a Town Highway as there was never an official abandonment. The board will review recommendations from attorney Rappleyea on how to move forward, however the Town does not intend to plow or maintain said section of the road.
A motion to accept the January Justice reports was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
General Fund and Highway bills in the amount of $463,393.52 were audited on abstract #3, voucher numbers 2024-132 through 2024-207.
A motion to adopt Local Law #1-2024 Code of Ethics as presented was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Veeder
A motion to adopt Local Law #2-2024 Regulating Shipping Containers as presented was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Thomas Burke and duly carried.
Ayes: 3 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy Abstain: 1 – Pilato No: 1 – Veeder
A motion to move full-time EMS employee Michelle Deyo to part-time effective February 27, 2024, was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes: 5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder
At 7:39 pm a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Copies of all resolutions, agreements, and contracts are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Read minutes from last month