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May 14, 2024


May 14, 2024

Richard Hanse, Supervisor
Thomas Burke, Councilman
Patrick Kennedy, Councilman
Shane Pilato, Councilman
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk

ABSENT: Michale Veeder, Councilman/Deputy Supervisor

Carol A. Metz, Beth Tailleur, Chip Tailleur, Jem Tailleur

The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:00 pm with the Pledge
of Allegiance.

The Public Hearing on proposed Local Law #3-2024 – six- month extension of Moratorium on
New Excavation or Mining of Lands Approvals was opened.  Beth and Chip Tailleur spoke in
support of the moratorium.  Beth asked if the board has made any progress in making the 
moratorium permanent as mining is not wanted in residential areas. Discussion ensued.  She is
concerned about the lack of action on the Town Board’s part on this matter.  Beth would like to
see a sunset law on non-conforming uses, and suggested giving existing mines three years notice
after which they would have to cease operation. She would like to have a law that does not allow
new mines to operate in the rural residential district. Supervisor stated that the moratorium
cannot keep being extended and that the Planning Board and Town Board will need to work
together to implement a new law.  Rick noted that Nathan cannot be involved in that process as it
is a conflict and would violate the Town’s Ethics Code. Chip suggested that Town look at
enacting a law that can be proactively balanced and managed. Both Beth and Chip would like to
see the Town work with the Village on revisiting the comprehensive plan.

A motion to close the public hearing at 7:19 pm was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by
Thomas Burke and duly carried.      

A motion to accept the minutes of April 9, was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.

The meeting was opened for public comments: None 

Correspondence:  The Town received a letter from DOT in response to the Town’s speed limit request which was submitted last June. DOT approved an order establishing a 45mph speed limit on CR 57 (Farm to Market Road) between the Athens Town Line and the Coxsackie Village limits in the Town of Coxsackie. 

Last month it was proposed to add commercial sprinkler systems to the Town’s fee schedule.  Councilman Veeder, the Town Clerk and Code Enforcement produced the following:  1-20 heads $200, 11-100 heads $400 and 101+ $600.  A motion to revise the fee schedule to include commercial sprinkler systems was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

A Memorandum of Agreement between the Union and the Town was presented for consideration.  Due to certain personal events, Stanley Dushane, a bargaining union member, is unable to use his personal and vacation time in the usual manner and the parties agree as follows:  For the period leading up to his anniversary date of May 24, 2024, Stanley will be able to roll over vacation and personal time to the following anniversary year, the period of May 25, 2024 to May 24, 2025.  This agreement is non-precedent setting and non-referable in future matters between the parties.  All other terms and conditions of Mr. Dushane’s employment shall remain in full force and effect.  A motion to accept the MOA as presented was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Thomas Burke and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

Jacqueline Polizzi has requested permission to attend training classes at Columbia Greene Community College. They are offering Excel classes June 15and 22 and August 10 and 17 
at a cost of $120; mileage will be reimbursed.  She will also be taking a notary public class on July 18 via Zoom at a cost of $69.  A motion to approve the training was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Thoms Burke and duly carried.
Ayes:  Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

Chief of EMS is requesting board approval to hire Cheyenne Warren as a part-time EMT. 
Ms. Warren’s application was presented; she has been approved by Civil Service.  A motion to approve hiring Cheyenne Warren as a part-time EMT was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

A Resolution establishing/approving the standard workday for elected and appointed officials who are members of the NYS Retirement System was presented for consideration. This is required to keep the Town compliant with NYS.  A motion to accept the resolution as presented was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

A Resolution regarding compensatory time was presented for consideration.  The policy is designed to formalize the Town’s policy regarding compensatory time for salaried employees who are required to track their hours worked each week.  Guidance from the Association of Towns confirmed that salaried employees cannot be paid overtime and our policy on comp time should be written and adopted by the board.  A motion to accept the resolution as presented was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

A motion to adopt Local Law #3-2004 was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

Rick reported that Jen McMann of the Garden Club has volunteered to do the gardening (in front of the building) at the Senior Center.  There will be no cost to the Town other than to purchase plants/ flowers.  A motion approving Jen to tend to the gardening at the Senior Center was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato Absent:  1 – Veeder

A motion to accept the March Justice reports was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried. 

It was noted that the accountant’s report for the year ended December 31, 2023, was received for the Justice Court and is on file.

General Fund and Highway bills in the amount of $124,979.67 were audited on abstract #5, voucher numbers 2024-259 through 2024-333.   

At 7:45 pm a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Parick Kennedy and duly carried.

Copies of all resolutions, agreements, and contracts are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk

Read minutes from last month