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November 12, 2024


November 12, 2024

Richard Hanse, Supervisor
Patrick Kennedy, Councilman
Thomas Burke, Councilman
Shane Pilato, Councilman
Michale Veeder, Councilman/Deputy Supervisor
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
Donna Wasilewski, Bookkeeper/Budget Officer

Beth Tailleur, Jacob Halsted, John Halsted, Jack Melsom, Carol A. Metz

The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:01 pm with the Pledge
of Allegiance.

The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:00 pm with the Pledge
of Allegiance.

Supervisor Hanse opened the public hearing on proposed Local Law #5-2024 A Local Law
Amending the Town Zoning Law Relating to Mining Operations  The notice of publication
was presented.  

Supervisor stated that the year-long moratorium on new mining applications expires this month.  The proposed law would end mining as a permitted use anywhere in the Town; existing legally permitted uses shall remain.

Beth Tailleur thanked the board; she appreciates the movement on this matter.  She would like to see the law taken a step further and make it so that pre-existing uses are not transferable.  

John Halsted as a mine owner would not like to see that happen as someday he may want to sell or transfer his property to family. 

A  motion to close the public hearing at 7:05 pm on proposed Local Law #5-2024 was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

Supervisor opened the public hearing on proposed Local Law #6-2024 A Local Law Amending the Town Zoning Law Relating Cannabis Uses. The notice of publication was presented.

The current law permits cannabis establishments to be in all industrial and commercial zones. The proposed law would remove cannabis establishments as a permitted use in most commercial and industrial zones that are adjacent to residentially zoned properties.

Beth feels the law may be narrowly written.  

Rick stated that the law can be revisited if needed when the master plan is updated. The Greene County IDA will be heading up the project and will be working with the Village and Town.  $25,000 has been budgeted for each of the next two years.  

A motion to close the public hearing at 7:10 pm on proposed Local Law #6-2024 was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

A motion to adopt Local Law #5-2024 was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes:  5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder

A motion to adopt Local law #6-2024 was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder

A motion to accept the minutes of October 8 and 17, was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.

The meeting was open for public comments: 

Carol Metz thanked the board for having the Senior Center parking lot sealed and lines repainted.
Rick noted that the Town was able to have both the Senior Center and Town Hall parking lots paved through a grant received from the County.  A new LED light was also installed behind the Senior Center.

Supervisor reported that EMS chief submitted a written report which indicated they responded to 88 calls for October.  A vehicle report was also submitted. 

Town Officials will be traveling to NYC for the New York State Association of Town’s Meeting February 16-19, 2025.  Delegates need to be appointed to be able to vote on resolutions at the annual business meeting.  A motion to appoint Richard Hanse as the Delegate and Thomas Burke as the Alternate was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
Ayes:  5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder

A quote from Nordutch Technologies for the Assessor’s laptop in the amount of $1820.71 was presented. Gordon’s laptop was scheduled for replacement in 2025, but it requires immediate replacement.  Patrick is opposed to the purchase.  As previously stated he would like to see the Town check into other IT options.  Discussion ensued.  A motion to purchase the laptop was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Pilato, Veeder No:  1 – Kennedy

RBT certified public accountants’ letter of engagement/proposal for 2024 was presented.  RBT examined the Justice accounts and recordkeeping; their fee is $3850.  Patrick does not believe this is necessary, discussion ensued.  A motion authorizing the Supervisor to execute the letter of engagement was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Thomas Burke, and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Burke, Pilato, Veeder Noe:  1 – Kennedy 

Delinquent water and sewer charges were presented as prepared by the Village Clerk.  A motion to approve amounts to be added to the January 2025 tax bills as presented was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried. 
Ayes:  5 – Hanse, Burke, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder

The Post 166 Commander (Chauncey David Cole III) of the Coxsackie American Legion has requested use of the Senior Center to watch the NFL Playoffs and the Super Bowl.  He will get the dates and times to Rick.  The board has no objection.  

A motion to accept the September Justice reports was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

A motion to accept the budget transfers as presented was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
General Fund and Highway bills in the amount of $113,977.96 were audited on abstract #11, voucher numbers 2024-632 through 2024-702.  Bank reconciliations were presented for review.

At 7:25 pm a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Thomas Burke seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

Copies of all resolutions, agreements, and contracts are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk

Read minutes from last month