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October 8, 2024


October 8, 2024

Richard Hanse, Supervisor
Patrick Kennedy, Councilman
Shane Pilato, Councilman
Michale Veeder, Councilman/Deputy Supervisor
Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk
Donna Wasilewski, Bookkeeper/Budget Officer

Thomas Burke, Councilman

Carol Metz

The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Hanse at 7:01 pm with the Pledge
of Allegiance.

Supervisor Hanse opened the public hearing on proposed Local Law #4-2024 A Local Law
to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law Section 3-c.  The legal
notice was presented.  There being no public comments the hearing was closed at 7:03 pm 
on motion of Patrick Kennedy seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

A motion to accept the minutes of September 10, was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.

The meeting was open for public comments: Carol Metz noted that the flowers out front look lovely and are a good representation.

Supervisor reported that EMS chief submitted a written report which indicated they responded to 100 calls for September.  A vehicle report was also submitted. 

A budget workshop meeting was scheduled for October 17 at 6:30 pm.

Supervisor appointed Patrick Kennedy and Shane Pilato to serve as liaisons to the Industrial Development Agency to assist with planning and engineering projects and in updating the comprehensive plan.

The Annual Association of Towns training for Town Officials in NYC February 16-19, 2025, was approved on motion of Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1- Burke

Cyber Security Insurance was presented for renewal.   Michael Veeder made a motion which was seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried to accept the renewal.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1 – Burke

Patrick Kennedy received a letter from the Christmas By the River Committee requesting a donation.  A motion to give $500 was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1 – Burke

A motion to schedule Public Hearings on Proposed Local Laws #5-2024 – Mining Operations and Local #6 – Cannabis Zoning for November 12 at 7:00 pm was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1- Burke

A motion to adopt Local Law #4-2024 was made by Patrick Kennedy seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1 – Burke

A motion authorizing the Supervisor to execute the 2025 rental agreement between the County and the Town for the Senior Center was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Shane Pilato and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1 – Burke

In relation to the Senior Center, Carol Metz asked if the seniors would be permitted to enter the hall/kitchen prior to 1:30 pm if the County was finished with their business.  Rick stated that the contract does indicate 1:30 but he will check with Dottie to see if they will make exceptions.

A motion authorizing the Supervisor to execute the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the union for the Town Ambulance staff with United Public Service Employees Union (UPSEU) and the Town was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
Ayes:  4 – Hanse, Kennedy, Pilato, Veeder Absent:  1 – Burke

A motion to accept the July and August Justice reports was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

Mike Veeder reiterated that he would like to see legislation on the books regarding a “Squatters” Law.  He had forwarded a law that was adopted by Clifton Park.  He feels it would be beneficial for the Town to get something in place soon.

Carol Metz asked about the sealing and striping of the Senior Center parking lot.  It was noted that $7,500 has been budgeted.

A motion to accept the budget transfers as presented was made by Michael Veeder seconded by Patrick Kennedy and duly carried.
General Fund and Highway bills in the amount of $62,964.76 were audited on abstract #9, voucher numbers 2024-583 through 2024-630.   Bank reconciliations were presented for review.

At 7:22 pm a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Shane Pilato seconded by Michael Veeder and duly carried.

Copies of all resolutions, agreements, and contracts are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Bambi Hotaling, Town Clerk

Read minutes from last month